You’re not Punk, you’re a whiner

February 7, 2022 at 7:23 am (Uncategorized)

When you realize that a group of people who were supposed to be rebels and homesteaders, have instead become a group of post WWII 1950s old racial majority males in their attitudes and behaviors – very “I got mine, you can screw off”, with all the ableism, racism, classism and phobias that seem to come with that mindset – it’s time to walk away.

You’re not rebels against society anymore. Your teenaged clothing, hair and music didn’t carry over into your 30s, 40s and 50s – but your grandparent’s and great grandparent’s mindset sure did.

Being a rebel against society isn’t whining about “your tax dollars being wasted”. That’s just another conservative mindset behavior.

Want to be a modern rebel? Get out there and support the libraries who are facing censorship over books that scared people are afraid to let their children see – after all, who knows how horribly it might affect their minds knowing that the male sea horse is the one that carries the fertilized eggs to term and give birth, not the female – she just supplies the fertile eggs and slides.

Want to be a modern rebel? Help people in your community. Stand up for those being abused by the status quo- isn’t that what you’ve supposedly been against all these years?

Want to be a modern rebel? Help reclaim things, rather than tear them down – on all levels; physical, social, mental.

Don’t hide behind this guise of “Libertarianism” when what you really mean by it is “I made my money and screw everyone else.” Cause that’s what a lot of you are really saying when you call people like me “pointless and useless” for providing services and classes to help people survive in modern society, for helping people mainly too old to get out there and pull themselves up by their bootstraps anymore; they did it all their lives and then got screwed out of their pensions- or found that their pensions are much too small to keep up with the current cost of barely living. For teaching, for assisting, for providing space for those who just don’t have what your apparenlty entitled mindset seems to think EVERYONE has, when no, it’s really only a small class of people who have it, and the rest don’t – country or city. For offering fully mental, emotional, and when/if needed physical support to those who don’t fit the classic American societal molds – and letting them know they have just as much value (more) in their differences than those who didn’t even realize they’d slid into the molds created and lived by their grandfathers and great grandfathers.

You don’t even recognize the massive cognitive dissonnance in getting on social media – the hugest culmination of society at any given time or point during any given day – and whining about how much you hate society, hate people, hate the government, this, that and the other – and then wait about for people to give you likes. You’re not raging as a punk, you’re whining cause somehow, you’re not getting your way. That’s not punk, that’s toddler.

You disagree with my assessment? Cool. Don’t care. You disagree with my work? Cool – don’t care. I’m gonna do it anyway. Do I need your commentary? Nope – really don’t care, cause right now, I’m taking a page from your book- getting on social media to complain. The difference? I don’t care if you give me likes, or agree with me, or think you’re going to punish me by unfriending me. On with your bad self, nothing I said is going to change a thing about your mindset or lives most likely, but I said it.

And that’s punk.

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